Coaching Services

Key Services:

Pre-Season Assessment (mandatory before first season training with me) £100

In-Season monthly cost £70

Ad-hoc 1:1 coaching sessions £35 per hour

Fell and Trail Run Leading £35 per hour

Travel time may be charged for outside of the South Manchester Area

My Coaching focus is on making you an efficient, mentally strong runner that can achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Firstly, if you want to train with me, ask me questions and occasionally get me to assess your running form then your best option would be to join Manchester Harriers and attend the Thursday sessions regularly.

I also do a certain amount of ‘pro-bono’ coaching for Manchester Harriers athletes, members of Gatley Runners and anyone who I feel has particular potential but cannot afford a professional 1:1 coach – there are very limited places for this and there is a waiting list. Some of my pro-bono athletes have given me gifts in the past for coaching; this is completely unnecessary, I only take on pro-bono athletes because I enjoy it and when I can afford the time to do it. But if you do wish to help me out, I have a number of items and courses that I’m thinking of buying to help athletes in the future and there is a donate link in the menu to help me get there.

My basic hourly rate for coaching is £35 per hour.

When I take on a new athlete I spend around 2 hours with the athlete looking at various aspects of their running technique (including video if the athlete is comfortable with this) and discussing the athlete’s background, running history, injuries, time available for training and goals with them. I then spend a further hour analysing the video and notes and writing up my view of the athlete’s key performance limiting factors and how we might address them together.

This assessment phase is charged at £100.

I will then work with my athletes on the basis of a ‘season’ (typically 12-24 weeks) where we can identify ‘SMART’ goals. During this ‘season’ I charge £70 per month and included in this is; a written plan (using TrainingPeaks – this works with a free athlete account or a premium account), review and comment on key work outs and a thirty minute ‘contact’ session during each recovery week (every fourth week for most athletes) plus extra contact time during tapering for your ‘primary’ race of the season. This contact session is ideally in person, but can be done via Zoom or similar.

Unlike most coaches I don’t automatically expect an athlete to continue working with me after each season. I think a complete rest from even thinking about training for a week or two after each race is hugely valuable and allows for a mental reset. The athlete can then decide if the coaching relationship is working for them and whether they would like to see any changes to how they are training. Of course I will happily welcome back athletes who wish to come back for another season.